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Are Porcelain Crowns Right For Me?

Do you find yourself asking, “Are porcelain crowns right for me?” When you’ve been exposed to risk factors like genetics, diet, and smoking, your teeth are more susceptible to breakage and damage. Porcelain crowns can be an excellent functional and aesthetic solution to leave your teeth looking and feeling like new.

What To Expect

Crowns are made from tooth-colored porcelain that Dr. Dani will expertly match to the precise shade of your teeth, making the restoration unnoticeable, seamlessly blending in with the rest of your smile.

After application, the crown will fully encase the visible portion of a tooth above the gum line and become the new outer surface of the tooth. Crowns are incredibly robust and will last you a lifetime with proper oral hygiene.

Dr. Dani will determine if porcelain crowns are the best course of action in your customized treatment plan. To learn more about dental crowns and whether they’re right for you, schedule a consultation with today.

Call (310) 910-9950 today or schedule your appointment online.