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Signs You Need Porcelain Veneers

While smile restoration is one of the most popular reasons patients look into porcelain veneers, we’ve compiled our list of top signs a patient might need porcelain veneers. Dr. Dani is considered somewhat of a celebrity dentist in Los Angeles for his expertise in crafting custom veneers that have a truly transformative effect not only on the smile but also on the inner person.

Signs You Need Porcelain Veneers

Discolored teeth.

If your teeth are severely discolored and have not responded to other whitening treatments, porcelain veneers may be a good option to restore the appearance of your teeth.

Chipped or cracked teeth.

If you have chipped or cracked teeth, porcelain veneers can be used to cover and protect the damaged areas while also improving the overall appearance of the teeth.

Gaps between teeth.

If you have gaps between your teeth that are too large to be corrected with orthodontic treatment, porcelain veneers can be used to close the gaps and create a more even and uniform smile.

Misshapen or irregular teeth.

If you have teeth that are misshapen, irregularly sized or spaced, porcelain veneers can be used to create a more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Worn down teeth.

If your teeth have become worn down due to grinding or other factors, porcelain veneers can be used to restore the length and shape of the teeth.

While veneers can provide a dramatic improvement in the appearance of the teeth, they may not be suitable for all individuals and cases. Call Dr. Dani today to set up a porcelain veneers consultation.

Call (310) 910-9950 today or schedule your appointment online.